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Perry County, MS

Board of Supervisors

Board of Supervisors Administration Office

P.O. Box 345
New Augusta
MS 39462-0345
Board of Supervisors
Board Meetings

Board of Supervisors

The Board of Supervisors serves as the governing body for Perry County. Composed of five elected members representing the county’s five districts, the Board of Supervisors plays a critical role in local governance and administration.​

Robert Myers

Supervisor District 1

Kevin Shows


Kevin Shows

Supervisor District 2

Tim Wise

Tim Wise

Supervisor District 3

Richard Lott

Richard Lott

Supervisor District 4

Cody Walters

Cody Walters

Supervisor District 5

Board Meetings

As mandated by State statute, the Board of Supervisors meets on the first Monday of each month in the Board Meeting Room at the Board of Supervisors Administration Office. If a regularly scheduled meeting falls on a holiday, the Board meets on the next working day following the holiday. The Board also schedules additional meetings as they deem necessary to handle pertinent County business and in the case of emergencies.

All meetings begin at 9:00 a.m. unless otherwise announced and are open to the public.

To appear before the board, contact the Board of Supervisors Administration Office at least one week prior to the scheduled board meeting.

Upcoming Meetings

There are no upcoming events at this time

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