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Perry County, MS

Tax Assessor/Collector

Tax Assessor / Collector

Amy Cochran

P.O. Box 306
New Augusta
MS 39462

Quick Links
Title Forms
Registration Forms
Land Tax
Title and Registration
Amy Cochran - Tax Assessor

Amy Cochran

Tax Assessor/Collector

The county Tax Assessor/Collector is responsible for identifying and appraising all real and personal property within the county to establish the property’s taxable value. This role involves maintaining accurate property records, processing property exemptions, and ensuring fair and equitable property assessments. The Tax Assessor also provides data for setting property tax rates and works with other government offices to manage property-related issues. Additionally, the assessor responds to public inquiries, resolves disputes regarding property valuations, and ensures compliance with local tax laws and regulations​.

Title Forms

Regular Title Replacement Form
Fast Track Title Replacement Form

Registration Forms

Disabled Parking Application
Affidavit for Heavy Truck Operators (B16/F16 and up)

Land Tax

Title and Registration

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